Publications 2006
L.M. Lin, Yi Luo, P.T. Lai, Kei May Lau, “Influence of oxidation and annealing temperatures on quality of Ga2O3 film grown on GaN,”, Thin Solid Films 515 (2006) 2111–2115
J. Liu, Y. G. Zhou, J. Zhu, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "AlGaN/GaN/InGaN/GaN HEMTs with an InGaN-notch," , Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 2312-2316, 2006.
R. Wang, Y. Cai, C. -W. Tang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Enhancement-Mode Si3N4/AlGaN/GaN MISHFETs,", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 793-795, Oct. 2006.
Y. Cai, Y. G. Zhou, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Control of Threshold Voltage of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by Fluoride-based Plasma Treatment: From Depletion Mode to Enhancemend Mode,", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.. 53, No. 9, pp. 2207-2215, Sep. 2006.
Y. Cai, Z. Cheng, W. C. K. Tang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Monolithically Integrated Enhancement/Depletion-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT Inverters and Ring Oscillators Using CF4 Plasma Treatment,", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.. 53, No. 9, pp. 2223-2230, Sep. 2006.
K. J. Chen and K. M. Lau, "Core Technologies for III-Nitride Integrated Microsensors(INVITED PAPER),", 6th Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC'06), Richardson, Texas, USA, Aug. 10-13, 2006.
R. Wang, Y. Cai, W. Tang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Planar Integration of E/D-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Fluoride-Based Plasma Treatment,", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 633-635, Aug. 2006.
Z. Yang, R. Wang, D. Wang, B. Zhang. K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "GaN on Patterned Silicon (GPS) Technique for GaN-based MEMS,", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 130-131, pp. 371-378, Aug. 2006.
Y. Cai, Y. G. Zhou, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Enhancement-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Low On-Resistance and Low Knee-Voltage,", IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol. E89-C, No. 7, 1025-1030, July, 2006.
S. Jia, Y. Cai, D. Wang, B. Zhang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Enhancement-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon Substrate,", IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1474-1477, June, 2006
Z. Yang, R. N. Wang, S. Jia, D. Wang, B. S. Zhang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, “Fabrication of suspended GaN microstructures using GaN-on-patterned-silicon (GPS) technique,”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), vol. 203, No. 7, pp. 1721-1724, May 2006.
Y. Zeng, H.G. Liu, N.G. Tao, C.R. Bolognesi, W. Tang, W. Zhou, and K. M. Lau, “High-Performance Metamorphic InP/GaAsSb/InP “Type-II” DHBTs Grown on GaAs Substrates (Student Paper),”, 2006 Int. Conf. Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (MANTECH'06), Vancouver, Canada, Apr. 24-27, 2006, pp. 157-159.
C-W. Tang, L. Jiang, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "MOCVD Grown Metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs HEMTs on GaAs Substrates,", 2006 Int. Conf. Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (MANTECH'06), Vancouver, Canada, Apr. 24-27, 2006, pp. 243-245.
Z. Feng, S. J. Cai, K. J. Chen, and K. M. Lau, "Isoelectronic Indium Surfactant-doped AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors,", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, 122113, 2006.
J. Liu, Y. G. Zhou, J. Zhu, K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "AlGaN/GaN/InGaN/GaN Double Heterojunction HEMTs with an InGaN-Notch for Enhanced Carrier Confinement,", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, No.1, pp. 10-12, Jan. 2006
Z. Yang, R. Wang, D. Wang, B. Zhang. K. M. Lau, and K. J. Chen, "Mechanical Characterization of Suspended GaN Microstructures by GaN-on-Patterned-Silicon Technique,", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, 041913, Jan. 2006.